Thursday, October 23, 2014


there was a grand BERSHKA store opening at OZAS shopping centre in Vilnius. they invited us, bloggers, for a coffee (or a chai tea, in my case) and conversation about their stores, clothes and new trends. and what i can tell -  the atmosphere there was fantastic! as soon as we stepped into the store loud music and smiling faces met us there. there was a manicurist, a make-up artist, girls who were giving everyone chocolates and soft drinks, photographers and beautiful people all around. actually, after this event i've learnt a lot about BERSHKA's concept and trends that they're offering. this is a store for young people and AW14 campaign 'the call of the urban wolves' is created specially for our youngsters in the streets who have a connection with nature too. i think that i've slightly changed an opinion about BERSHKA and i won't ever miss the chance to go into this store while shopping because they really do have great clothes to offer!
i really like the accessories at the store, i think that this season they're really worth having 

 and, of course, how without gifts? every blogger was given a bag with an accessory and i got an amazing silver collar which i'm really happy to have now and can't wait for an opportunity to wear!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

VINTED konkurso laimėtoja

sveikos, merginos! labai ačiū už dalyvavimą konkurse, buvo labai įdomu pamatyti jūsų rudeninius pasirinkimus! laimėtoją rinkau atsitiktinai - man tai padaryti pradėjo atsitiktinio skaičiaus rinkimo programa. ir laimėtoja yra Urtė (vinted: dorea)! tikiuosi už 70lt išsirinksi naują šiltą šaliką, be kurio, kaip minėjai, negali išgyventi rudenį. sveikinu! xo