Saturday, November 17, 2012

cara delevingne

fierce, cara! when i had read an article @spintosguru about her i understood that she is my new favorite model! i watched a lot of pictures of her lately and now i'm really obsessed with this girl. she's universal, comprehensive, funny and totally amazing. yes, she's acting like a kid and does stupid faces in front of the cameras but this is not such a bad side of her. she's talented. she's different.



  1. as vis neapsisprendziu ar ji man patinka ar ne. Turbut linksiu labiau prie ne, bet veido bruozai jos itin isskirtiniai, niekas negali paneigt, kad ji negrazi :))

    1. ahaa, išskirtinė ji. nežinau, man tai kažkokia kitokia ji ir įdomi tuo. bet ir fotosesijose gerai atlieka savo darbą :) tik va tiesa, kad realiai nėra ji labai super graži, paprasta labiau, bet nuotraukos man jos patinka :)


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