Sunday, June 28, 2015


when i got an email with an offer to try "THE BEAUTY BOX"  from i was really excited and happy that lithuanians started doing things like that! and when it arrived - omg - it was more than exciting. a box full full full of cosmetics with such a nice smell which filled up all my room. definitely one of the best things that i got during my blog career, haha!
 so this is what i basically got in the box - some small but really nice things to try. 
 beauty blender - when i saw this, i was so so so so so happy! for a long time i wanted to buy this but somehow i never got an opportunity to do that. anyway, this little cutie came to me itself. ant what i can say - it was really worth waiting because this is a really good thing, it blends all the make up on the face and makes it look smooth and flawless. on the other hand, it takes a while to wash it but i don't care, i love it anyways. 
 you & oil handmade soap -  i have never tried you & oil product before but the first impression after trying this soap was really good. it smells delicious and leaves the skin smooth and nice after washing. it is even better that it's handmade - so obviously it is a really worth-trying product. and i also like the package - it's minimal but eye-catching.
 avril le vernis nail polish - even though i'm not such a huge fan of orange colour, this nail polish had that nice orange shade which is perfect for summer and really fits tanned skin (which i won't be having this summer, arghhh). two coats on your nails and here we go to the streets of hot summer.
uoga uoga morning beauty ritual set - i also wanted to try uoga uoga cosmetics for a long time as i heard lots and lots good things about these products. finally i have an opportunity and i can say that people don't lie about uoga uoga. i can tell only one bad thing - this set is too small for me, i want more, haha! this set contains of four pieces, step by step: 'moon dew' which cleans and relaxes the skin, 'lost flamingo' which moisturises and makes the skin smooth and healthy, 'peachy' natural blush powder with amber which gives light and warm rosy shade to the cheeks and 'handful of sun' a nouirishing hand creme which softens hand skin without making it sticky. when i will be back home i will definitely buy some more products from uoga uoga cosmetics. you should try this too for sure.
l'occitane pivoine flora hand creme - there is not much to say about l'occitane cosmetics. i always loved and always will be loving their products. this hand creme is not an exception, it smoothens and softens hands leaving a gentle flowery scent of peonies on them. lovely!
avon luxe 'designer red' lipstick. this was also one of my favourite things to find in a beauty box. as a lipstick addict who loves red shades the most, i can tell this is definitely that perfect red colour. oh, i don't like it, i love it. 
di palomo hand & body lotion. i guess that the beauty box had such an intensive smell because of this lotion. it also feels really nice and tender on the skin, but that smell! oh, really really good! it's all natural so this is even better.

and unfortunately, there are some product which i didn't have an opportunity to try. really sad but i couldn't take them with me to London. anyway, i have no doubt that they are worth trying and as soon  as i come back home i will see how they work! there are 'makeness' lavender hidrolate, 'monoi' jasmine oil and two testers: 'you & oil' oil for sensitive skin and 'ahava' hand creme.

i can say huge huge huge thank you for for an opportunity to collaborate with you and try these super cool products!

have a nice sunday, everybody. take care! xx

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


some time ago we were invited to l’oreal event. this one was quite interesting, because here they showed not a new cosmetics line or something like that but an app. this app - makeup genius - is a real innovation and really fun and interesting app to use. here you can see how make up looks on your face, you can try loads of different products in a minute. if you’re looking for something and don’t have time for trying all the lipstick colours or all the mascaras, this app is for you. or maybe you just want to have some fun with your face, haha. for me, it’s like a game. you put some make up on your face and move, make expressions and that make up stays in the places of the face where it supposed to be. it’s a technology that scans the main points of the face and adapts to facial expressions. i’ve tried this app for the first time at the event and had lots of laugh! you should try it too! it works even on boys and it’s even more fun, hahaha, but my guys didn’t want me to show their make ups here, sorry :( but i can tell that they look like drag queens or cute girls, haha!have a look what i have done with my face:

and of course, we got some gifts from l’oreal’s new line. quality cosmetics and great colours - what can be better? this lipstick is definitely my new love.

pictures are taken with canon N2

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


festivalių sezonas jau taip arti, o tu dar neišsirinkai, ką norėsi dėvėti festivalio metu? į pagalbą atskuba Granatų festivalio komanda su blogeriais! prie Granatų festivalio aprangos kūrimo prisidėjau ir aš. po labai smagios fotosesijos kartu su dvynėmis Eva ir Laura, fotografe Step Draw ir visažiste Justina iš Maybelline New York, pagaliau viešiname mūsų sukurtus rūbų derinius. tikiuosi, kad patiks ir įkvėps festivalio dvasią!
festivalio apranga neabejotinai turi būti patogi, tačiau papildomos įdomios detalės tik į naudą! šiame derinyje naudojau ilgą trikotažinę suknelę, kuri tikrai nevaržo judesių šokant pagal mėgstamiausią muziką. Taip pat pridėjau sunkesnius doctor marten’s batus. juk nesinori numindytų kojų – o šie batai neabejotinai atlaikys ne tik mindymą, bet ir purvą ar nesibaigiančius šokius. ilgesnės baltos kojinės kartu tik suteiks papildomo žavesio. taip pat nepamiršau aksesuarų – daug žiedų ant pirštų, pakabukas bei akiniai nuo saulės, kurie, ko gero, yra vienas svarbiausių aksesuarų festivalio metu. jei oras vėsus arba norisi šokti iki ryto, patariu pasiimti džinsinį švarkelį, kuris ne tik atrodo puikiai, bet ir padeda nesušalti.

turbūt kiekvienas festivalių veteranas pasakys, kad džinsiniai šortai ir guminiai ilgaauliai yra neatsiejama festivalio dalis. būtent šiuos atributus ir rinkausi. niekada negali žinoti, koks oras laukia, todėl guminiai batai gelbėja visose situacijose. taip pat pridėjau smagią amerikietiško stiliaus palaidinę, kuri atrodo puikiai su visokiais drabužiais – ir džinsais, ir šortais, ir sijonais! žinoma, čia įdomus aksesuaras tiesiog būtinas, todėl šiame derinyje rinkausi auskarus su juodomis plunksnomis, kurie neabejotinai puikiai dera prie festivalio dvasios.

daugiau galite rasti ČIA ir ČIA!

Thursday, June 11, 2015


if you’re following me on instagram, you should have noticed all the goodbye posts. yes, i’m leaving to london for a whole summer (hopefully). my best friend and i are going there with an intention to get some summer jobs and great experience! and now, sitting in the plane, writing this post while flying to luton airport - i still can’t believe that this is happening. such a huge adventure! hopefully, we will be able to find jobs and everything will go great. otherwise, we will be back to lithuania in two weeks or so. but i can’t wait to share all the places, foods and clothes of london with you! 
and if somebody wants to meet in london - just write me - we will manage something x

Monday, June 8, 2015


about a month ago, when my leg was still ok, i have done this outfit. it's a bit classy, a bit sporty and that's what i like about it. have a look!
 suit from mango || top from forever 21 || shoes from nike