Monday, November 24, 2014

new in

i've got some new stuff recently that i didn't show you. there are only three things but i like them very much and want to share!

first of all - shoes that i value the most. a huge thank you for DANIJA because i could get these gorgeous leather heels with 50% discount. they cost me about 189Lt (73$) when the real price was about 400Lt (154$). they really fit every occasion - everywhere i go, i can just put them on and look fantastic. just take a look at these amazing shoes (you may have seen them in my previous outfit).

the second thing is my new bag from stradivarius. i was searching for a new bag for a while and i think that i made a right choice buying this one. it is comfortable, there's room for my books, laptop and notebooks. the only thing that annoys me - the front pocket which tends to unbuckle. and my friend who has this bag says the same - so this is not only my bag's problem.

last but not least is a beauty product - rimmel lasting finish by kate moss lipstick (01). i got this from this really makes lips look juicy and stays for a long time on them. in the pictures, the colour may look a bit different but it's like darkish red colour in real. 

the pictures are taken with CANON EOS 700D camera.

have a nice monday evening and a productive week! xx

Monday, November 17, 2014


šiandien teko apsilankyti lietuvių mados renginio „mados injekcija” spaudos konferencijoje. jos metu buvo pristatyta festivalio programa bei jaunieji dizaineriai, kurie pateiko į šių metų „injekcijos" finalą. mane itin sudomino pasakojimas apie 100 metrų podiumą su kliūtimis ir pačių dizainerių trumpi prisitatymai. o čia daugiau apie pačią „injekciją":

Šiandien Nacionalinėje dailės galerijoje buvo pristatyti festivalio „Mados infekcija” organizuojamo konkurso „Injekcija” finalistai  - 15 jaunųjų dizainerių ir jų duetų. Tai jau aštuntą kartą rengiamas tarptautinis renginys, kuriuo siekiama atrasti naujus mados talentus Lietuvoje ir užsienio šalyse. Gruodžio 10 dieną Nacionalinėje dailės galerijoje vyksiančio finalo metu 15 finalistų pristatys savo kolekcijas, o kompetetinga komisija nuspręs – kas gaus kvietimą jas pademonstruoti ant „Mados infekcijos” podiumo 2015 metų kovo 27-28 dienomis. 

Šie metai Lietuvoje skelbiami Teatrų metais, tad šia proga konkurso organizatoriai jaunuosius talentus kvietė sukurti kolekcijas tema – Personažas”. Be to, patys Injekcijos” finalistai šiandien taip pat buvo pristatyti teatrališkai – jie transformavosi į fantastinio romano veikėjo Viktoro Frankenšteino kūrinius.

Finale – mados krypčių, spalvų ir formų įvairovė

Konkurso organizatorių teigimu, šiais metais ant podiumo neišvysime dominuojančio stiliaus – dizaineriai pristatys labai skirtingas kolekcijas. Personažais tapo nuo tokių realių veikėjų kaip skalbėja ar pačios dizainerės tėvas iki išgalvotos miškuose egzistuojančios moterų visuomenės ar kitame žemės rutulio gale gyvenančio žmogaus antipodo. Smagu, kad dizaineriai didelį dėmesį kreipia ir kolekcijų idėjoms. Jaunieji talentai savo kolekcijomis gvildens aktualius nūdienai klausimus apie - unikalumą ir individualų žmogaus grožį, stereotipų įtaką ir kompleksus, skirtingų lyčių saviraišką ir emancipaciją, plastinę chirurgiją, privatumą šiandieninėje skaitmeninėje visuomenėje, dvasinių vertybių sumenkinimą prieš materialiąsias, globalizaciją, kosmpolitizmo idėjas bei daugelį kitų”, - pasakoja šiandien finalistus pristačiusi festivalio Mados infekcija” meno vadovė Sandra Straukaitė.

Konkurso erdvės pokyčiai – podiumas su kliūtimis

Nors Injekcijos” finalas jau 5 metus iš eilės vyksta Nacionalinėje dailės galerijoje, tačiau kasmet renginio erdvė ir scenografija yra atnaujinamos. „Šiais metais scenografijos tūriniai objektai laisvai įsilies į Nacionalinės dailės galerijos erdves, bet žiūrovui jau įprastą „Injekcijos” lokaciją, apversime aukštyn kojomis. Modelių laukia ilgas kelias – 100 metrų trasa su kliūtimis”, - apie šių metų pokyčius intriguoja festivalio Mados infekcija” prodiuserė Renata Mikailionytė.

bilietus galite įsigyti čia. 
buvo labai smagu susitikti su Simona konferencijoje!
 jeans and shirt - secondhand || shoes from danija (otre) || fur coat - mom's || bra from newyorker

nuotraukos: Justės

Thursday, November 13, 2014


a few weeks ago i was asked by a lovely junior account executive Justina to take part in a shopping centre PANORAMA project with bloggers. we needed to create two outfits - one for an evening in the theatre and another just a casual outfit - from all the clothes in the shopping centre.
when i came there ready to do some styling, i didn't expect that to be so difficult. when you have tons of clothes and you need to do only two looks it becomes like a nasa mission. suddenly all the clothes seem to be not matching or even beautiful and after hours spent running around the stores and searching for the right clothing items i didn't know what to do. yes, i spent like 8 hours in PANORAMA and made these two outfits at last. of course, i would have spent there the whole day if i had time. i'm not very proud of what i've done but afterwards there was a contest in facebook where people could like the outfits that we, bloggers, made. and they liked my outfits quite a lot, surprisingly. a huge thank you for that! and a contest winner was Nereta, who, i think, was really worth winning!
and when few weeks later i met Justina again to receive an unexpectedly huge prize, she said that all clothes from my outfits were bought very soon after the project. so this made me proud! after all i want to say a massive THANK YOU for PANORAMA for having me in this contest which was a wonderful and very interesting experience!
and these are my outfits:

the casual one
 shoes from aldo || shorts from promod || sweater and fur coat from bershka

evening in the theatre
shoes and accessories from aldo || skirt from apranga || fur coat from city || body from bershka

tell me what you think about these!
have a nice day! xx

Sunday, November 9, 2014

#DrabuziuIstorijos + konkursas

my closet may be half empty if there weren't any clothes from second-hand stores. i have lots of clothing items that were worn before me and i love them. i don't think that's something wrong to wear clothes from thrift shops because every item might have a story and you're a part of it. actually, my favourite clothes are basically from those stores and i have lots of stories how i successfully found something there.
and asked me to share a story with you about my favourite treasure that is found in second-hand store.
we have lots of stores in my home town and some of them are offering amazing bargains there. one of my favourite thrifted item this summer was black h&m pants. nothing really special but it was kind of interesting that they were waiting for me for about three weeks in the store and i could't decide if i want them or not. i bought them at last for 10LT (about 4$) and they became my favourite and most wearable clothing item! i have lots of outfits with these pant because they are just perfect for every occasion.

could you tell that docs or hilfiger jacket is thrifted too? the secret is - keep searching. among all the useless stuff some treasures can hide. and, for example, i found hilfiger jacket in boy's section, so unexpected places can be an answer too. these are some clothes that i'm very happy about.


kviečiu visus turinčius instagram ir paskyras sudalyvauti konkurse ir laimėti 70LT kuponą apsipirkti! taisyklė tik viena:

- po šia mano instagram nuotrauka komentare palikite savo nario vardą.

po savaitės (11.16) burtų keliu išrinksiu nugalėtoją, kuris už 70LT galės išsirinkti norimą rūbą :))

P.S. labai dėkoju už vardinę pakabą! nuostabi dovana man ir mano blogui! :))

have a nice sunday! xx

Sunday, November 2, 2014

weekend in prague

a weekend that was a week ago was kind of unusual for me. i visited czech republic - spent two days there. kind of unusual in other ways too - this trip included a lot of first times. for the first time i slept at the airport (or even brushed my teeth there), for the first i rode a tram, for the first time i flew with dash or fokker aircraft, for the first time i had to change a plane to reach my destination. but starting from the beginning, i won a trip to czech republic with my university to get to know more about erasmus program in brno university of technology. but of course, we visited prague first and walked like five hundred miles all around the old town. but this is the city i want to come back over and over again because it's fantastic! i was in prague about 7 years ago but memories still exist in my head because i remembered all the streets and sculptures there! i highly recommend visiting prague because it's the city of marvelous architecture and friendly people. 
in the evening we took a train to brno. what can i say - i learnt that i don't really like trains. that one to brno was awful. anyway, brno greeted us with beautiful streets and old buildings all around. actually, i wasn't expecting brno to have such a gorgeous old town and beautiful churches. this is city is worth visiting too! and, of course, how a party animal like me would stay calm in the hostel at night? no way! i wanted to see what czech clubs look like. we visited one of brno clubs 'two faces', but actually, i was quite disappointed because clubs in vilnius are much better than the one we've visited in brno.  on saturday after spending few hours with a guy from brno university who told us a lot about the erasmus programme, we took a train back to prague. i was expecting the worst, but the train was new and pretty fast, so that was a great relief for me! 
back in prague we didn't have much time and strength to walk more, so we just took a bus to the airport. so that was the first time spending a night at the airport and it was interesting because the airport was empty for the whole night. i thought that i'll feel broken after sleeping on the chairs there but i took quite a good nap and felt really great in the morning! after all, it was a really interesting trip in all ways. i had four flights during this weekend and this is what i like the most about that! also, i visited not only czech republic - i had to change planes in frankfurt (when going to prague) and vienna (going back to vilnius), so i can't tell that i saw much of the country, but anyway, at least i touched the ground of germany and austria, haha! and as an aviator, my pleasure was to see huge boeings and airbuses at the airports.
all in all, huge thanks to my university for the opportunity to spend a weekend abroad. i love travelling, for sure.