hello! yesterday was our town annual christmas concert for children. this year it was about internet: why it's not like a real world and why children must love everything they have here not there. now it sounds very serious but it was just a funny concert for kids with a lot of songs, dances and santa with gifts at the end, of course. our theatre troupe had several numbers and some of us sang a facebook song, some were super mommies, some were the penguins. i was in the super mommies show and also i was one of the penguins :D we had so much fun, as always. i like christmas concerts like this!
haha, our hilarious penguin family :D
from the penguin to a sexy mama :D
don't forget the photo-a-day challenge!
15th of december: favourite holiday song
some of the songs that i usually listen during holidays. i forgot to put one but it's one of my favourites too - 'winter song' by sara bareille
16th of decenber: outside christmas lights
the lights on our balcony
17th of december: presents
these are some small present for my friends, that day i hadn't all my present packed, so i pictured just the little ones
18th of december: stockings
yes, we hang a stocking under our fireplace but that day i couldn't find that stocking anywhere! unfortunately, this is not christmas stockings but also very cute
19th of december: candy cane
i confess, this week wasn't that nice at taking pictures of the day :D my candy cane is drawn in my christmas letter for my friend

20th of december: tree topper
mt little boy with a tree topper

21st of december: peace
bed, movie and christmas lights - this is my peace
have a nice day!
have a nice day!
labai jaukus dienoraštis. :)
dėkoju, malonu girdėti! :))